Motivated by my own ambivalence about keeping an anonymous blog, and spurred on by recent posts in SpotOn London from two of my blogosphere heroines Female Science Professor and Athene Donald I have decided to discontinue this EarlyToBed Blog and switch to a signed format, linked to my twitter account @mineralphys.
I am looking forward to the accountability of a signed blog, and am hoping that less anonymity will encourage more back-and-forth discussion with readers.
I will post a link here when my first post is launched.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The day I became my grandparents
I woke up with bunions and put on stockings and chunky ill-fitting shoes. Did yoga and flipped through Prevention magazine. Took suggested supplements, especially vitamin E. Spritzed with White Linen. Stuck tissues in my sleeves, and went to the hairdresser. She did an awful job on the blow-dry, but I’ll manage. Sent this week’s batch of birthday and anniversary cards. Went food shopping. Shoved extra plastic bags in my purse. Made apple cake, apple pie, roasted a chicken. Rolled out noodles. Rolled out mandelbrot. Rolled out rugelach. With cream cheese dough. With sour cream dough. Washed the car, got on a ladder and cleaned out the gutters. Cleaned the garage. Caught up with family and friends. Kvelled over good news, especially related to children’s academic achievement. Tsk-tsk-ed at all the bad news. Ate family dinner. Knit sweater. Listened to books on tape. Laughed at late night TV. Fell asleep to AM talk radio squealing in my ear.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Writing Woes
I love designing and doing experiments. I love analyzing data. I love doing experiments and looking at data with students. I love deriving equations. I love teaching.
All of these parts of my job are easy and fun compared with the writing part. I don’t dislike writing, I just habitually procrastinate my writing because everything else is easier and feels like more fun. Fear of failure? Fear of success? Low-level attention disorder? Who knows. What I do find I need is practical advice and continual support and reinforcement.
I have much to say professionally: data to show, ideas to share, and papers to write. I still have a long way to go to be the academic writer I would like to be, but I’m much better than I used to be thanks to these two of my favorite resources for academic writers.
1. The writings of Robert Boice, the gentle godfather of all academic writers.
I recommend Advice for New Faculty Members for anyone who is or would like to be a professor, or for anyone who works in a multifaceted creative job. Boice stresses Nihil Nimus, meaning nothing in excess, or everything in moderation (I notice that Boice, like the Old Testament, prefers the negative formulation of commandments, e.g. don't rush to writing, don't wait until you feel ready, don't neglect other priorities like rest, socializing and exercise )
For more of a detailed walk-through of a very practical behavioral therapy approach to academic writing, consider reading How Writers Journey to Comfort and Fluency: A Psychological Adventure.
2. The Academic Ladder Writing Clubs
Online writing clubs providing coached support for small groups of academic writers. Partially based on the philosophies and ideas of Boice, above.
There is a monthly feel. Consider asking your adviser/department chair/dean/chancellor to pay for your membership, as part of your professional development.
For free, here's a preview: Write in brief, daily sessions. Brief can be 15 minutes. Daily is important.
All of these parts of my job are easy and fun compared with the writing part. I don’t dislike writing, I just habitually procrastinate my writing because everything else is easier and feels like more fun. Fear of failure? Fear of success? Low-level attention disorder? Who knows. What I do find I need is practical advice and continual support and reinforcement.
I have much to say professionally: data to show, ideas to share, and papers to write. I still have a long way to go to be the academic writer I would like to be, but I’m much better than I used to be thanks to these two of my favorite resources for academic writers.
1. The writings of Robert Boice, the gentle godfather of all academic writers.
I recommend Advice for New Faculty Members for anyone who is or would like to be a professor, or for anyone who works in a multifaceted creative job. Boice stresses Nihil Nimus, meaning nothing in excess, or everything in moderation (I notice that Boice, like the Old Testament, prefers the negative formulation of commandments, e.g. don't rush to writing, don't wait until you feel ready, don't neglect other priorities like rest, socializing and exercise )
For more of a detailed walk-through of a very practical behavioral therapy approach to academic writing, consider reading How Writers Journey to Comfort and Fluency: A Psychological Adventure.
2. The Academic Ladder Writing Clubs
Online writing clubs providing coached support for small groups of academic writers. Partially based on the philosophies and ideas of Boice, above.
There is a monthly feel. Consider asking your adviser/department chair/dean/chancellor to pay for your membership, as part of your professional development.
For free, here's a preview: Write in brief, daily sessions. Brief can be 15 minutes. Daily is important.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Invocations to precede decision-making for hiring scientists
Please grant me the serenity
To squarely face my own biases.
To recognize others’ strengths, even in areas where I lack
that strength.
To accept others’ failings in the same way that I strive to
accept my own.
To realize that there is more than one way to do good
And that my way is not necessarily the only way.
And that my way is not necessarily the only way.
Please grant me the serenity
To recognize accomplishments
And to recognize potential in others.
Even though others might look very very very different from
Speak out, Hallelujah!
When you hear a wrong, make it right!
When you hear bias, pick the fight!
Equality should not require riot!
But this is not the time for quiet!
Use your logic!
Mind your fears!
Support young colleagues!
And their careers!
Dear Gods of Science
Please forgive me
For I am biased.
It is not on purpose, for I bear no ill will towards any
I might even be a girl (excuse me a woman) myself.
I’m just as biased as any man.
Because my brain is not very scientific.
(Except for when it is consciously trying to be)
For even though I am a scientist
I am human.
And though I serve the Gods of Science whilst I am awake
I am not always awake.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Skills for Scientists
Please drop a line if you have more to add!
Scientific knowledge base
Depth of knowledge in chosen subject area
Breadth of knowledge in general field, adjacent fields,
scientific literacy
knowledge base
Laboratory, field, theoretical/modeling approaches
Quantitative skills
Setting up a problem
Back of the envelope calculations
advanced computing—linear algebra/differential equations
Receptive communication
to seminars
Active communication skills
Dynamic communication skills
Poster sessions
in pairs and/or groups
“fuzzy” skills
Creativity: coming up with new approaches
Curiosity: asking scientific questions
Sense of scale of problem: How much detail is necessary?
Productivity: Getting things off the desk, though not
necessarily perfect
Clichéd but useful:
“Eighty percent of success is showing up” -Woody Allen
“Don’t boil the
Science is (or should be) about play: playing with ideas,
numbers, pictures, puzzles.
A good science course should introduce students to
scientific puzzling—so that scientists can ultimately figure out their own
puzzles and solve them.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
List of Department Seminars in Geo* Field Part I
I started with the top part of the list of NRC rankings for geosciences, and am working my way through it.
If your department isn't listed here, it's either because I have not yet looked or the current seminar series is not published in an easily-accessed way.
If your department isn't listed here, it's either because I have not yet looked or the current seminar series is not published in an easily-accessed way.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The longest ever “Early Career”
Recently, I was an invited participant to a prestigious scientific
convention for the brightest shining early-career stars. I was
flattered of course. It is fun to meet
with scientists from every discipline, and hear interesting talks, and meet new
people. I like conferences, and am always on the lookout for good science and kindred spirits.
The registration form contained the usual spaces for poster
title, research abstract, brief biography, and birthdate. With year. This last
bit I left blank.
The conference organizers—smart people—would easily see that one of the reasons I’m such an exemplary early career person—all those
accomplishments!—is because I’ve been “early career” for (-ahem-) 15 to
20 years, depending on how you count. And at either bound, it was not an early
I'm afraid I'd be kicked out. Or perhaps added to the panel tasked with discussing "Old-Fart Science."
If you normalize my accomplishments to my years-at-it, I am not at
all exemplary, but simply a working scientist who divides her time among
research, teaching, service, family, friendships, occasional recreation, and
sleeping and eating.
Why am I perceived as early career when I am actually much
closer to menopause?
Here are my top 3 ideas:
1. I’m
short, but not without gravitas. Excuse me. Gravity.
2. I
use the word “awesome” liberally when talking about science that I think is
3. Perhaps
it’s the pink glitter I use in my hair.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Departmental Colloquia Aggregator
It is interesting to track who is
giving what talks and at which University/Research Center.
I have decided to start a Tumblr to aggregate this
information for my field.
I am also tweeting the links. Please follow @goearlytobed
Please send me links to departments you would like to see
included in the aggregator!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Personal Statement Mad-Lib
(Scientific Sub-Sub-Field)
Research at (Venerable Institution)
research group examines the behavior of (plural
noun) under conditions of (adjective)
(state variable) which is important
for (place) within the larger (another place). My group consists of (a whole number) people who do (experimental, theoretical, modeling)
work to measure (a physical property)
to unprecedented precisions of (a number) (SI unit).
Our results tell us about the (gerund)
of (noun: singular or plural). This
research is especially relevant to (adjacent
scientific sub-sub-field) and (scientific
sub field). This research program is funded by (government agency).
Sunday, September 16, 2012
New Academic Year
The summer has ended, most of the rest of the people in my
life have been back into the swing of the new academic year. Since classes
don’t start at my University until the end of next week, I have been able to
pretend until now that it is still glorious summer. But this is my new year.
And it has been a glorious summer, though with close
reminders of the bittersweet necessity to live life as richly as possible. I
enjoyed family, friends, messing about in boats, and a new turn of phrase: to
do a science. I did lots of sciences this summer. I derived a series of
equations. I started to learn programming in Mathematica so I may see how the
equations behave. I ran a few fun experiments at synchrotrons. I talked with
students about their research, and did lots of reading, writing, and editing.
Each year, my summer ends with my first teaching dream of
the school year. Spoiler alert: this dream is a teaching-anxiety dream in
impostor-syndrome subcategory.
Here’s the real part: This fall I am taking on a new course
(for me), a meaty, required graduate class that is required for the PhD
program, and taken by most of the first year graduate students. I requested
this change after teaching an also meaty, also required undergraduate course
for the past ten years. I loved it for nine years, and then all of a sudden I
didn’t and I knew I needed a break. Also, the graduate class is squarely in my
discipline, and I had concerns that some of my colleagues were forgetting I was
of that discipline. I asked the department chair nicely, and my requests were
accommodated. Or, as my department chair put it recently in a slightly
different context: “You asked for it!”
Here’s the dream part: Remember the retirement party from my
first blog post? The professor who retired, one of the shining stars of the
discipline, and had famously/infamously taught this course for many years. He
consulted with the department chair and together they decided that I shouldn’t
be allowed to teach this course, because I have never TA’d it. So eminent
professor came back from retirement *solely* so he could teach this course so
that I could be his TA. I woke up in the middle of the first lecture, when the
professor introduced their TA (me) to the class, and walked out of the room
while I addressed them.
I was happy to wake up, but sad the summer’s over, but glad to
be kick-starting the swing of the new academic year, and glad to be preparing
my own teaching notes, and learning a new course.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Laboratory Eden
Recently I worked in my lab for the first time in a long while. I found my lost car key on one of the benches. The same key that my husband replaced for me in honor
of our 15th wedding anniversary.
years ago I was eager and impatient to run my own laboratory. I had worked in others' laboratories
since undergraduate days, and believed I could do it better. I learned to “play” in a lab early from my
biomedical engineer father who would leave me alone for hours with microscopes,
circuit boards, power supplies, oscilliscopes, an old EKG machine &
treadmill, and other delights to take apart and put back together.
During my early years of setting up my own lab, my PhD
advisor would regale me with his vision of centralized labs—“playgrounds” for
scientists, staffed with technicians and other scientists. At the time I had
too much invested in my own vision of my own lab and what I wanted to
accomplish that I was unable to truly listen to his idea.
But now I would love to be able to do I want what (um….I
mean have my students do what they want) in an externally managed laboratory
playground environment, with technical support.
In fact, we do many of our experiments at synchrotron
beamlines, which are shared community resources to perform experiments that
many of us in the field have in common. It is far more efficient to have
staffed, group facilities to perform these experiments. However, beamtime is
expensive, and the requirement for user-friendliness often implies that
experiments be engineered for existing capabilities, rather than the other way
around. So these shared facilities are not quite the “playground” that my PhD
advisor envisioned.
It is a false dichotomy to ask “centralized facilities? vs. individual
labs?” What I’d like best is unlimited access to a combination of
(1) user facilities specialized for specific experiments (e.g. microscopes,
beamlines), (2) my own laboratory in which students, post-docs and I have free
reign to try new things and make mistakes and develop new experimental techniques
to address our questions. The problem is (1) is usually too specialized and
inflexible and therefore not the place for innovation and (2) often operates on a shoestring, necessarily limited, and
can be isolating and lonely.
Enter the mythological Laboratory Eden: well-managed,
staffed with knowledgeable helpful people, equipment-rich, scientist-playground where people come, work, build, talk,
laugh, share their ideas with each other, listen, learn, and love (science).
Friday, July 27, 2012
Marriage Anniversary Markers
Recently, my husband & I celebrated our 15th Wedding Anniversary. This year's anniversary present (see below) was extra special, since it came in the classic powder blue box. For a list of the more traditional anniversary markers, go here.
1st Camping
Trip Anniversary
2nd Basement Flood Anniversary
3rd Diaper Anniversary
4th Purple
Puddingstone Anniversary
5th Cross
Country Move Annivesary
6th Serpentinite
7th Maple
Syrup Anniversary
8th Jasper
9th Sushi
10th Handcarved Wooden
Bowl Anniversary
11th Grandma-calls-to-remind-us-it’s-our
12th Marital
Counseling Anniversary
13th I
Can’t Believe We’re Still Married! Anniversary
14th New
Job Anniversary
15th Replaced
Lost Car Key Anniversary
Monday, July 9, 2012
Hot summer affair (with science)
The previous entry’s todo and nottodo lists have been very
helpful to me so far this summer. I’m a to-do-list achiever. So far this summer
I have been deeply involved in trying to develop a formalism for dealing with phase
boundaries at equilibrium, and am having a great time doing so.
Geosciences are a bit different from physics and chemistry
in that our problems are generally inverse problems, not forward problems. In
all cases, the process of science uses observations to test models of how
nature works. If you are a scientist who does not quite fit into this category,
like a string theorist, “god-bless” as they say in my family parlance. In
physics & chemistry, generally the scientist plans and runs the
experiments. In geoscience, planetary science and astronomy, the Earth and
planets and stars run the experiment for us, and we have to make good
observations, and figure out what the results mean. And nature does not keep an
organized lab notebook, but instead leaves hints lying around.
In petrology—the study of rocks—or more generally the study of
Earth & planetary materials—one of the hints is how elements and isotopes partition
between two phases at equilibrium—often a melt and a solid. We have lots of
data both from the Earth, and from the lab. But it’s not straightforward. In
both environments—lab and natural-world—it is hard to achieve and ascertain
equilibrium. So one of my questions is—can we predict how element and isotope
partitioning behave away from equilibrium?
We have a lot of data—from the Earth and from experiments.
And my research group has collected a huge data set over the past ~8 years or
so on metal stable isotope partitioning between fluid and solid during
electroplating, and there are certain aspects of the data that appear not to be
predictable by the simple kinetic theories. Yes I can go to more complicated
theories, but they provide too many free variables for my scientific taste. I
hate fitting 8 variables to a data set. I can fit anything that way! Is there a
simpler framework to understand element and isotope partitioning?
I have been working on this question in a low-key way for
years, and in an accelerated manner the last several weeks. I’ll write more
about the development of the theory—I still have lots to do, and lots of
predictions to make, and lots of predictions to test. But now I want to write
about how much fun I’m having.
I’m having so much fun doing this! I’m learning so much! I
wake in the morning thinking about my beloved interfaces at equilibrium, often
with a new idea, a new approach. And I’ve been spending 5-6 hours at a time
many days working through the algebra and the implications of the calculations.
Drawing pictures of interfaces, and finding ways to explain them to myself and
others. I am thinking of how to incorporate some of the ideas I’m working on
into my class this fall. And starting to outline the paper.
Sometimes science is a slog, and I just continue pushing
forward, thankful for the occasional delicious small bits that come across my
way. Right now though, it’s a
full-blown romantic affair complete with happy dreams, elevated mood, and anticipatory
excitement about the object of my affection.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
To Do
To Not Do
Develop a thermodynamic formalism for dealing with
two-dimensional phase boundaries.
Develop a departmental policy for dealing with
two-academic couples.
Belt out the soundtrack of Rent during the morning commute to campus
Rehearse my lecture notes during the morning commute to
Run lots of fun experiments at the synchrotron
Write lots of SOPs for my lab here at the U.
Catch up with dear colleagues at two conferences in
beautiful locations.
Catch the words of colleagues during faculty meetings for
accurate minutes.
Submit two proposals and three papers. Work on
experiments, papers, and abstracts with grad students.
Submit dossier and teaching and research statements. Work
on curriculum committee, nominations committee, and sign undergraduate course
change requests.
Family vacation on the water, in the woods, in front of
the campfire.
Family shlepping to music lessons, band practice, grocery
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Launchpad Engineer
Happy Fathers Day to my friend P. who works at the U where
I work and who is an amazing launchpad engineer. P and his husband, who is a professor at U., have two children who went to on-campus daycare and
school along with my son.
The launchpad engineer is that person in the family unit who
ensures that all of the family members get launched daily, and go out to
school, jobs, and life—to explore, play, work, and live as best they can. It’s
also the launchpad engineer’s job to help ensure that the landing pad is
equipped with sustenance and support when all of the family
rockets splash down after their daily adventures. Being the family
launchpad engineer is a huge job, and a competent launchpad engineer is a wonderful
person to have in a family.
Every family does it differently. In many families, there is
a single launchpad engineer who does the whole job with little assistance. A family
can have more than one launchpad engineer. In some families, the job is done by
co-engineers who work very well together. In others there is one person who
does the morning launch, and the other preps the landing pad. Families with
resources can hire additional personnel to help with launch and landing and all of the other jobs that go along with launchpad engineer. All
families go through times when the rockets are all doing great; at other times
one or more rockets fail to launch and/or the launchpad itself is in need of
repairs. When you start to look at the different ways that families man their
launchpads, you may notice that some are more effective than others. Many are
inconsistent—sometimes working well; other times not so much.
The one thing that will tell you almost everything that you
need to know about my own family’s launchpad is that each of the two adults are
convinced that they are the chief launchpad engineer. We both gratefully acknowledge
the important assistant engineering role performed by the other. (But I am the real one.)
In many families, the launchpad engineer also has their own rocket
to launch. This is often required by economics, sometimes by choice and usually
a combination of the two and other reasons too. Sometimes the launchpad
engineer job takes a temporary or permanent backseat to the LE’s own rocket. In
the Museum of Competence, there should be a large exhibit dedicated to great
family launchpad engineers who also do amazing things with their own rockets on
a daily basis.
So when I read articles or hear people stating things like
It's better for launchpad engineers not to have their own rockets.
Being a launchpad engineer alone is not enough everyone should have their own rocket too.
Women are biologically predisposed
to be better launchpad engineers than men are.
Launchpad engineers are at a disadvantage in math and science intensive fields.
or even
Wow! I am so lucky to have such an amazing launchpad engineer at home! I know I'm just not smart enough to do that job! It's a good thing that I'm a science professor instead!
--I think what an assortment of garbage stinky with festering baloney.
Launchpad engineers are individuals, often women, and there
is great variation, but don’t forget that our society benefits greatly from its
collective unpaid launchpad engineers. Instead of putting down and isolating the
launchpad engineers, we—as individuals and society--should be investing our
energies to provide support for all of our launchpad engineers so that families
can thrive and all of us are able to launch their own rockets to explore as we
wish, when we wish.
Our own launchpad is messy and a bit disorganized, but we all land
home at the end, share a good meal, trade reports of our days’ adventures, and cry
and laugh.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Gender Bias
My department is blissfully free of bias, as I have been
informed in recent days by many of its members. The fact that I think
it’s almost cute how proud they are of themselves tells you how much I like
most of my colleagues.
We can all count that there is one woman
out of 25 tenured faculty members in our department, so we definitely recognize that we have a bad case of gender disparity. Most of us think it's a problem. But that's about the extent of our collective sophistication on the subject.
What we need is a good map and an experienced guide to help us think
through why it is like it is, point us in the right direction for solutions, and find a way
that we can discuss these issues without feeling as if we are walking on
eggshells with each other (i.e. me), and implement solutions.
Lack of diversity/gender discrepancy is a big
problem, not only in academic physical sciences & engineering, but also at
the tops of corporations, law firms, etc. What are the origins of gender
discrepancies? is a big unsolved question because the reasons are
complicated and multivariate and involve people. For example, three of the many explanations for gender discrepancies that have
been floating around recently include:
Gender differences in statistical behavior at the extremes (A "bell-curve"-type argument that I think was actually the core of Larry Summers "intrinsic aptitude" argument)
Here’s one of my question as a scientist:
Are these (and the many other) factors competing hypotheses for an
issue that likely has a single, overriding cause (Occam’s Razor)? Or do many
factors come together in complex ways that result in a single outcome of inequity?
And here's my question as an engineer:
What do we do about it?
One of our goals as members of a department
and university is to make decisions based on data and not bias. So I think it
is worthwhile to check out some of the research done on bias in decision
making. The goal isn’t to purge ourselves of our schemas, or to claim that bias
doesn’t exist. Ideally, some of us will occasionally succeed in recognizing our own
biases-in-action, and either self-correct or even call it out for the rest of us to acknowledge and/or
discuss. I think it’s worth facing the
idea squarely—as trained critical thinkers—especially if it results in a better
and more diverse department/ university.
Here are some more resources:
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
I recently celebrated my 5000th
I am pleased with my achievements and trajectory as a cook. I aim to feel the same way about my life as a scientist:
my teaching, research, writing. My job as a professor and as cook are similar in
their combination of technique, practice, skill, experience, balance of
perspiration and inspiration.
Here is what I can learn from my
life as a cook that I can apply to my life as a scientist:
Cooking is a habit: I cook most
I am product oriented: I put the
product on the table and serve it as-is. Always a “ta-da!” never with apology.
My attitude is healthy: I spend
almost no emotional energy on expectations before the meal nor post-mortem
analysis afterwards.
Meals run the gamut from
workaday to simply good to superlative to triumphant. The least successful ones
I accept as natural part of the variation, and do not erode at my
After successful meals, I
congratulate myself aloud at the dinner table. This is followed by Mom—stop bragging. Really? Why not? I
take it as my parental duty to acclimatize my son to the swagger of women.
I have cried twice over cooking
(discounting onions & shallots which make me bawl). In 1990, I made a
spinach sauce that oxidized and my date called it “monkey vomit”. In 2011 I was
cooking for neighbors and had marinated small pieces of meat all day and the
whole meal dropped to the fire through the grill grating.
In the end, the meal is
evaluated without self-judgment. I am analytical: what worked? What didn’t? What's next? Never:
I should have done it better, what do my colleagues think about me. No. Not even a
little bit.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Single-Minded Focus
I have decided to live out my fantasy and become
single-mindedly focused only on doing my science work. Here is my first-day
7am: Sunday morning: I pop out of bed. Today is the day I
start focusing only on my science! And the timing couldn’t be better, since I
have a proposal due in three weeks! I’m so excited!
7:15 am: Coffee
9:00 am: I am walking with my friend P., catching up on a week’s
worth of our lives. In the time before single-minded-focus, we had a weekly walking
date for exercise and companionship and in-depth hashing of family, work, life.
Will need to evaluate whether this adds or detracts from my
science-focused life. Note to self: P is not a scientist.
10:00 am: Look at me! I am at my desk working on a Sunday!
10:15 am: Very hungry. Note to self: stock lab fridge with
lots of healthy goodies!
10:30 am: Awesome! I am working again.
11:00 am: Losing focus.
11:30 am: I make longitudinal plans for all of my projects. I
am overwhelmed by too many projects. I clearly have not yet broken these down into small-enough
2:00 pm. Brain travels far and wide, untethered to the work at
3:00 pm. Optimism has been fully replaced by dejection. Time to
come home.
5:00 pm. Concoct a large bloody mary; sit on the back patio
with the computer.
6:00 pm. Family starts pestering me about dinner and asks what
am I making? Note to self: need to apprise the rest of the family about my new focus only on work.
6:30 pm. Muscle memory takes over completely as I defrost
shrimp and butter for scampi, put up multigrain porridge in the rice cooker, and
slice vegetables for the stir-fry. My brain is concentrating again and it feels
good. But it’s not concentrating on thermodynamics, it’s thinking about not
slicing its fingers.
8:00 pm: I would get back to work, if I weren’t so tired.
And family movie night is so much more fun…
10:00 pm: I will try again tomorrow
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Professor Eminent in our department retired recently and we threw a big party. He stood on a podium amidst photos depicting years in science, hanging balloons and ribbons, champagne, cake, and a swarm of colleagues from grad students to emeriti and explained that his retirement won’t really be a retirement because he has no other outside interests nor hobbies (besides his science). And among the thanks he gave to people, he cited his wife for taking care of all of his needs so he could focus exclusively on doing his science.
Ah. Living my life defined by single-minded focus and dedication to doing science is one of the top hits on my own fantasy rotation. So I was definitely envious yet simultaneously thankful for my own messy but rich existence juggling my job as an associate professor in the physical sciences, a two-career household, a quickly growing kid, a huge array of family, friends, adults, children, life in a big complicated city, running a lab, funding research, teaching, service, colleagues, mistake-based learning, and yes: doing science.
And I knew it was time to write about it, in a public way.
By the time I was in elementary school I knew in the way that I knew I was left-handed that I am a scientist. As an adult on my way to middle-aged I am increasingly fascinated by the fact that science is done by people—the same highly flawed, too-human characters that enrich the good books, theater, art, dance, music that make me bawl yet also fill me up from the inside because I am reminded that I am human like that too.
This blog is my attempt to explore the cross derivatives that define the state of my life: ideas and the people who work with them. Science and the process of doing it. The macroscopic state and the mechanisms that govern changes. Equilibrium and kinetics. Temperature, pressure, and all sorts of potentials (electricity and magnetism, anyone?). I will also explore boundaries and interfaces, at depth.
That paragraph has now merged completely into the subject matter of the proposal I’m working on, so I’m off to work on that.
Ah. Living my life defined by single-minded focus and dedication to doing science is one of the top hits on my own fantasy rotation. So I was definitely envious yet simultaneously thankful for my own messy but rich existence juggling my job as an associate professor in the physical sciences, a two-career household, a quickly growing kid, a huge array of family, friends, adults, children, life in a big complicated city, running a lab, funding research, teaching, service, colleagues, mistake-based learning, and yes: doing science.
And I knew it was time to write about it, in a public way.
By the time I was in elementary school I knew in the way that I knew I was left-handed that I am a scientist. As an adult on my way to middle-aged I am increasingly fascinated by the fact that science is done by people—the same highly flawed, too-human characters that enrich the good books, theater, art, dance, music that make me bawl yet also fill me up from the inside because I am reminded that I am human like that too.
This blog is my attempt to explore the cross derivatives that define the state of my life: ideas and the people who work with them. Science and the process of doing it. The macroscopic state and the mechanisms that govern changes. Equilibrium and kinetics. Temperature, pressure, and all sorts of potentials (electricity and magnetism, anyone?). I will also explore boundaries and interfaces, at depth.
That paragraph has now merged completely into the subject matter of the proposal I’m working on, so I’m off to work on that.
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